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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Editorial Procedure

Papers must present scientific results that are essentially new. They have to be written in English using either American or British spelling throughout. Authors who have difficulty with English should obtain the assistance of colleagues more proficient in the language in writing their manuscripts. All manuscripts are subject to peer review. Authors should submit their manuscripts to the Editorial Office online to facilitate even quicker and more efficient processing. Manuscripts that are returned to the authors for revision should be sent back within the deadlines; otherwise, they will be considered withdrawn. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned to the authors. Papers that do not conform to the journal norms may be returned to the authors for revision before being considered for publication. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the references.

Suggested Reviewers

To accelerate the review process, authors should include the names, departments, institutions, and email addresses of four potential reviewers who should be Ph.D. holders and have the appropriate expertise to judge the submission. Potential reviewers should belong to different institutions and different countries, and with whom authors have no conflict of interest and no joint research activities during the last two years.

Only international reviewers with institutional email addresses should be suggested. Suggested international reviewers should be from different institutions and from countries different than the authors’ countries.

Types of Papers

MJMF publishes original research articles, invited review articles, technical notes, and technical reports that add significantly to the body of knowledge concerning science and engineering.

Research Articles 

Full-length Original Articles should include an Abstract (specifying the purpose, methods, results, and conclusion), Introduction, Experimental Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgments, References, Figure Captions, and Tables. Graphics, images, and diagrams should be submitted separately in a high-quality original format.

Review Articles

Review articles are intended to provide an updated perspective on a certain subject that could be relevant to the readership of the journal. Review articles should include an abstract. Review articles are by invitation only.

Technical Notes

Technical notes should not exceed four printed pages (including figures and tables). They are the appropriate form for new findings, preliminary original results, comments on papers published in the journal, or important new records. Technical notes will be reviewed as normal papers.

Technical Reports

Technical Reports are intended to report about local, regional, and international meetings, workshops and conferences, and new instrumentation and technical industrial reports.

Manuscript Submission

Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.


Authors wishing to include figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Online Submission

Please follow the hyperlink “Submit a manuscript” and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen.

Source Files

Please ensure you provide all relevant editable source files at every submission and revision. Failing to submit a complete set of editable source files will result in your article not being considered for review. For your manuscript text please always submit in common word processing formats such as .docx or LaTeX.

Title Page

Please make sure your title page contains the following information.


The title should be concise and informative.

Author information

- The name(s) of the author(s)

- The affiliation(s) of the author(s), i.e. institution, (department), city, (state), country

- A clear indication and an active e-mail address of the corresponding author

- If available, the 16-digit ORCID of the author(s)

If the address information is provided with the affiliation(s) it will also be published.

For authors that are (temporarily) unaffiliated we will only capture their city and country of residence, not their e-mail address unless specifically requested.

Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, do not currently satisfy our authorship criteria. Notably, attribution of authorship carries with it accountability for the work, which cannot be effectively applied to LLMs. The use of an LLM should be properly documented in the Methods section (and if a Methods section is not available, in a suitable alternative part) of the manuscript.


Please provide an abstract of 150 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.

For life science journals only (when applicable)

- Trial registration number and date of registration for prospectively registered trials

- Trial registration number and date of registration, followed by “retrospectively registered”, for retrospectively registered trials


Please provide 4 to 6 keywords that can be used for indexing purposes.

Statements and Declarations

The following statements should be included under the heading "Statements and Declarations" for inclusion in the published paper. Please note that submissions that do not include relevant declarations will be returned as incomplete.

Competing Interests: Authors are required to disclose financial or non-financial interests that are directly or indirectly related to the work submitted for publication. Please refer to “Competing Interests and Funding” below for more information on how to complete this section.

Please see the relevant sections in the submission guidelines for further information as well as various examples of wording. Please revise/customize the sample statements according to your own needs.


Please ensure you provide all relevant editable source files at every submission and revision.

Text Formatting

Before submission please make sure that your manuscript is prepared using the journal paper template. The authors must refer to MJMF for writing format and style (Please download and use as a template for initial manuscript submission.


Please use the decimal system of headings with no more than three levels.


Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.


Footnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list. They should not consist solely of a reference citation, and they should never include the bibliographic details of a reference. They should also not contain any figures or tables.

Footnotes to the text are numbered consecutively; those to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data). Footnotes to the title or the authors of the article are not given reference symbols.

Always use footnotes instead of endnotes.


Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section on the title page. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.



Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets. Some examples:

  1. Negotiation research spans many disciplines [3].
  2. This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman [5].
  3. This effect has been widely studied [5]–[7]

Reference list

The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text.

The entries in the list should be numbered consecutively.

If available, please always include DOIs as full DOI links in your reference list (e.g. “”).

- Journal article
R. Sandhy Winanda, D. Ahmad, S. Helmi Putri, and A. Putri, “Bifurcation analysis mathematical model for the spread of exogenous reinfection tuberculosis,” BAREKENG J. Ilmu Mat. dan Terap., vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 75–84, Apr. 2023, doi: 10.30598/BAREKENGVOL17ISS1PP0075-0084.

- Book
D. Ahmad, D. P. Sari, and D. Agustina, Mathematical modeling of engineering problems, 2nd ed. Padang: DMF Press, 2023.

- Proceedings
D. P. Sari and M. Rosha, “The improved discretization of peak ground acceleration variable using K-medoids,” in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, 2023, vol. 2698, pp. 20003-1-20003–7. doi: 10.1063/5.0122442.

- Online document
D. Agustina, “Steps for successful data analytics,” DMF Research Group, Aug. 12, 2023. Accessed: Feb. 01, 2023. [Online]. Available:

Always use the standard abbreviation of a journal’s name according to the ISSN List of Title Word Abbreviations.

The authors must refer to MJMF for writing format and style (Please download and use as a template for initial manuscript submission in . DOCX). Use a tool such as EndNote, Mendeley, or Zotero for reference management and formatting, and choose IEEE style. This will ensure fast processing and publication. Only papers fulfilling the requirements based on the guideline to authors will be processed.


Writing guidelines can be seen in the Author Guidelines  and Template.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.